
You'll Float, Too

Story Sent in by Roger:

When I was out with Kelly we walked by a lake. She took out an earring and threw it into the water then turned to me and said, "Will you go get it for me?"

I laughed and said, "No. Why'd you throw it?"

She said, "To see if you'd get it for me. Guess I have my answer."

I agreed. "You sure do!"

Neither of us contacted the other after that abysmal experience.


  1. I hope Pennywise gets them both...

  2. Call yourself Neo, because you just dodged a bullet!

  3. Kelly R. Clown. Enjoys walking by the water.
    Ideal date: Visiting a sewer and lots of balloons! A bite to eat afterwards.
    Hates: Kids. Especially in a group.


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