
We Met at a Mixer

Email Submitted by Lois:

Hey Lois,

My favorite color is brown, I'm a libra, and my favorite flavor of ice cream is pistachio. In return, I have three questions for you:

1. If you had to pick another gender to be other than your current one, which would you pick?

2. Have you ever been drunk in public?

3. Does the thought of being covered in cement turn you on? I ask not because I plan to cover you in cement. I just like the sounds it makes when it flows and pours! Just because someone likes the cries of birds doesn't mean that one wants one to keep! They shit! Bird shit!



  1. "1. If you had to pick another gender to be other than your current one, which would you pick?"

    Hermaphrodite. Definitely, hermaphrodite.

  2. OP's ideal date: Cross dress (taking care to use a dress, bra, etc. - i.e. not to dress as a male, but female, the other gender), grab a bottle of JD and glug it down while wandering through the streets, then wander into a building site just in time to fall under the cement mixer.

  3. "If you had to pick another gender to be other than your current one, which would you pick?"

    Wasn't this one of the questions on an old SNL show where they where doing the "What's that - it's Pat" skits which revolved around trying to politely find out the androgynous "Pat"s gender?

  4. Dang it! Howie and moreizmore beat me to it!


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