
What's Her Email Address?

Email Submitted by Robert:

Ever since a boyfriend broke up with me by sending nude pics of me to everyone on his mailing list, I ask every guy I date to send me a nude pic of himself - FACE VISIBLE, MUST SEE PENIS NO EXCEPTIONS - I promise that I will never use it against you unless you do something against me.

It's surprising I thought that guys would be jumping all over the opportunity to send a girl nude pics but no one on here has taking me up on it. Guess they're all mean assholes. I've had the best luck so far on craigs list but you know what they say about craigs list right?



  1. Because everyone knows, the best relationships are built on a foundation of blackmail. Jesus.

  2. Also, maybe she is just looking for nude pics to see if she wants to date them?

  3. I'd be more than happy to send nude pictures of myself, personally my day doesn't even begin until I've emailed my naked photos to at least two complete strangers.

  4. *fires up google for some random nude dude pic to send to "Gwen"*

  5. Of course, it couldn't possibly be partially her fault for sending her ex the nude pics of herself to begin with...

    1. Except she trusted him at the time. A lot of people do it, and we don't question it, then when shit happens we blame the people it happened to. Could you imagine how that conversation might go if she refused to send pics, and said she was worried about him sending them?

  6. ^Exactly! Not letting boyfriends take nude pics of her would be the normal, sensible thing to do if she's so worried about it. But then we would have nothing to read; and that would be sad:-(
    I guess this tactic would make sense in a tit-for-tat exchange of nude pics. Sorry about the pun.

  7. I'm seriously confused by the last line. I'm getting that she's had good luck getting naked pictures from dudes on craigslist? That is certainly true, but apparently I don't know what they say about craigslist in this regard. Anyone?

  8. @ Error - Craigslist hook-ups are notorious for being exactly that.

    @ Mediator - I think you're on to something. I mean, who hasn't wanted to have something like a police line-up of prospective men displaying the goods before you choose one? "Thank you, number four. Number six please step forward. Now spin 180o. Good, thank you, you may step back."

    What? Is it just me?!

  9. @ Error, see B. Thayer's plan.

  10. shouldn't you write back and ask for a nude photo of her, so that if she does something against you, you can hold it against her? You should start on equal footing in the relationship, or it is doomed to failure

  11. I didn't know Vanessa Hudgens had become so desperate looking for a new boyfriend. Resorting to craigslist?

  12. sooo what do they say about craigslist?

  13. @geomorphgirl

    That is exactly what I was envisioning.

  14. Okay folks, since multiple people have now asked and I'm kind of curious how the rest of you feel about my working theory, I'll try my hand at something. This is just my opinion, but based in experience.

    Here's a general breakdown of the bigger online dating sites:

    eHarmony - Where religious people and those seriously serious about finding a spouse mingle.

    Match - The bar scene of the online world. Full of trolls and fake profiles and some serious daters with very little game. In fact, I would guess that many of our sketchy emails here derive from a Match encounter. (JMG - Am I totally off base here?)

    J date - For Jews and goyish women who heard the stereotype about Jewish men. (If you are confused by that, please refer to the side conversation I was having with theMediator.)

    OkCupid! - The up-and-coming hipster alternative. Because it's free, beware those just seeking "friends" or "activity partners." However, perhaps also because it's free, it tends to attract the types of daters who might meet someone out in real life and who are online to "diversify the fan base."

    Craigslist personals - Sketchy hookups for those wanting to get laid. Soon. Like tonight. Or right now. I mean, where else can you simultaneously find your soulmate and a lamp for $20?

    1. OKCupid is also popular among polyamorous people, partly because it lets you list yourself as involved and looking. I've met at least one cool person through OKC, and though we didn't wind up romantically involved, I'd consider her a friend.

  15. @geo:

    I think that most of your appraisals are about on target. I've had experiences on each of those sites with various hilarious results.

    On eHarmony, I took what seemed like a three-hour test that asked me questions more personal than a doctor would ask only to be informed that no one within a 500-mile radius was a good match for me, but that "new members are joining all the time!"

    Match was hysterical. I often liken it as the George Foreman Grill of the online dating world, specifically as the little grease tray that collects the gooey meat runoff. I routinely received winks from people thousands of miles away from me, and had nice long talks with folks who forgot who I was mid-conversation.

    Ah, sweet, sweet J-Date. I began writing my own bad date stories after several noxious encounters from that site, one or two of which are linked on Bart Cilfone's Bored at Work site. I did encounter some shiksas on there, looking for Jewish men, but most of the women I encountered wouldn't give me a second look once they found out that I wasn't going into law, business, or medicine.

    I like OKCupid, as it doesn't take itself too seriously, and also that I've spoken once or twice to one of its founders, Chris Coyne, and he's a good guy. The people you meet on there seem genuinely interested in making friends and just having fun, which I think is why that site exists in the first place.

    I tried Craig's List once and met someone really great on there, with whom I'm still friends. She's a publicist for a men's magazine. I think that good experiences on Craig's are more the exception than the rule. If Match is the grease tray, then Craig's is the cupboard under the sink. It's not a dating site, first and foremost. It's an independent commerce portal. You buy vehicles, give old aquariums away for free, and look for jobs on it. If you want to date other people who are serious about dating, go to a dating site.

  16. Thank you, geo and Jared! As a person who's never dated online (because that's what guy friends and regrettable hook-ups are for!), it's nice to know how things break down. :)


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