
So You're Not Needy, Then?

Email Submitted by Cal:


Don't know if u remember me.  We went out together three times last month, u told me u wanted to breakup and we brokeup.  Do u remember?

I like the changed u made to ur profile.  I made some changes 2 mine that maybe u can check out?  Maybe we can go out again to discuss them.

I made some changes in my life 2.  When I asked u why u were breakingup with me u said u thought I was 2 needy but I'm not needy and u just need to red my nerw profile and maybe we can go out together and talk about our new profiles together u and me together.  I'm less needy now but u won't know unless u give me a chance to show u.

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want 2 go out weith u again maybe 1 more time 2 show u how not needy I am.  Really truly sorry it didn't work out last time but this time who knows maybe it will.  Not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy not needy.

Let me know what you think 2 meet up and discuss profiles.



  1. God I hope he doesn't know where you live.

  2. In Nikki's world, everyone's a guy.

  3. It sounded like something a guy would write, but alas, it was not.

  4. Man. Didn't even look. I guess I tend to project too many of my ex-boyfriends onto emails like these. Plus, it disappoints me when one of my own gender reinforces stereotypes like this.

  5. Wow, someone's got issues. And I think Anna may be needy after all.

  6. I thought that too, Churro. But then she clearly states that she's *not* needy. Gotta read in between the lines, Churro.


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