
His Patron Saint Is Charlie Sheen

Email Submitted by Laura:

I would love to go on a boat trip with you, take a canoe out on a lake early in the morning, find an island, explore, have breakfast, and enjoy everything that nature has to offer.  We could climb a mountain, explore forests, hike into caves, and rest easy in nature's bounty.  Anyplace, anytime.  Lunch in the mountains, dinner in the forest, a night under the stars by a fire.

And by "I would love to go on a boat trip with you, take a canoe out on a lake early in the morning, find an island, explore, have breakfast, and enjoy everything that nature has to offer.  We could climb a mountain, explore forests, hike into caves, and rest easy in nature's bounty.  Anyplace, anytime.  Lunch in the mountains, dinner in the forest, a night under the stars by a fire," I mean, "I want to fuck you raw."



  1. I actually respect this guy. He has class.

  2. I bet he's had some success with this. It's been playing on my mind all day...

  3. I know several women who would go for this, actually.

  4. This @$$hat is about as romantic as acne bacteria! But at least he's honest, I'll give him that.

  5. *spittake* Another ruined monitor thanks to ABCOTD.


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