
Sack of Doom

E-mail Submitted by Robert:

I'm having a bit of a dilemma and was hoping you could help.  You don't know me but your profile makes you sound level-headed, and I need a guy's opinion on this:

My ex, Anthony, moved everything of his out of my house when we broke up.  That was close to a year ago.  A week ago, I was cleaning under my bed (I hadn't since then, I know, I know, I'm a pig) and found a cloth sack with a note pinned on it.  It read "Trisha: a parting gift, love Anthony."

I didn't open it.  It felt squishy.  I know he liked snakes and I'm terrified of them, so I wondered if he left me a sack of snakes.  It might have been something that was dead, but there was no smell.  Don't dead things stink?  Maybe it was old food that he wanted to have smell under my bed, but there was no smell.

This morning I woke up and it had moved across the room from where I know I left it last night.  My friends say I'm nuts but I'm freaked.  It might be something valuable, though, so I don't want to throw it out.  What do you think I should do?


Robert Replies:

Open it.

Trisha Replies:

It was just some old clothes and CDs.  Lol.  Can't believe I worked myself up over nothing.  Thanks!

Robert Replies:

That's great.  How did it move across your room, though?

(Robert says: "No response from Trisha after that.  Perhaps she was eaten.")


  1. I'm so gonna leave a sack of snakes under the bed of the next person I break up with.

  2. I love it even more because I'm terrified of snakes. I'd definitely be freaking out like a fool.

  3. I thought it was a bag of shit. There's nothing like playing Hide the Dookie when you move out of someone's house.

  4. ^ I think she would have smelled it after a year...


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