
I See That You're Busy. Are You Busy?

Story & E-mails Submitted by Antoinette:

Patrick and I had gone on two dates, and I felt no real attraction for the guy.  He was nice, but boring and always looked like he was a couple of seconds away from falling asleep.

At the end of our second date, I ended things as gently as possible, and he didn't seem to have any problem with anything that I said.

That night, the first e-mail arrived:


I realize that this might be hard for you, but I think that it's better this way for the both of us.  I just don't feel any real connection between the us.  I know that you must feel differently.  I apologize sincerely, and I truly feel that we'd be happier with other mates.



I had been the one to end things with him, and after reading it over several times, I figured that this was just his own way of dealing with it.  Whatever.  I didn't bother responding.

The next day, another message:


My dear, sweet, Charlie Brown.  What are you up to on Friday?



Was this his way of trying to stay friends?  Maybe that was it.  I wrote him back:


Thanks for your e-mails.  I think a clean break would be best, and that we shouldn't see each other again.  Thanks all the same, and good luck to you.



Patrick replied:


Thanks for letting me know.  Are you up for something on Friday.



I didn't respond, as I thought that my words in the prior message were pretty easy to figure out.  Also, why close your messages with "strongly"?  Is that weird or is it just me?

Friday came and went.  Saturday morning, 5am, a message from Patrick:


We didn't end up doing anything last night.  Would you like to do something tonight?  Let me know before tonight.



I blocked his account after that.  Something clearly wasn't quite right with the guy.


  1. Hehe something about this guy reminds me of mayor Adam West.

    'Bite. Bite. Mosquito. Bite. Mosquito.'
    Love it :D

  2. @Sarah: It's called Cognitive Dissonance and it's nearly an epidemic with our silly, primitive species. And yes, it makes Family Guy Adam West and Patrick from this post both hilariously clueless.

  3. OP, yes it is very weird to end your emails with "Strongly". Very, very weird.



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