
What You Really Think of Me

Submitted by Derek:

Whenever I talked during my date with Margot, I noticed that she would look down and jitter her arm slightly next to herself in the booth, as if she was writing something.

"It looks like you're writing something," I joked.

She held up a notepad and pen, and told me that she was writing down as much of what I said as she could, as she had a bad memory.  I asked her why she didn't use a tape recorder, and she told me that that was a good idea and that she was thinking about saving up money to buy one.

She excused herself to go to the bathroom at one point and I checked her notes on me.  They weren't notes on what I had said.  It was the word, "asshole" over and over again, about 500 times.  No joke.

I replaced the notepad and she came back from the bathroom.   The rest of the date went well, up until I had finished paying for dinner and she held up the pad to me.

"Look," she said, "Someone thinks you're an asshole!"

I raised an eyebrow.  She went on, "Not me, though," and giggled to herself.

First and last date.


  1. Margot sounds crazy.
    But you lose for paying for dinner AFTER seeing her notepad. Grow a pair.

  2. Seconded. How low does your self-esteem have to be to pay for a girl's dinner after she wrote "asshole" 500 times on your date...and you knew about it?!

  3. This is terrifying.

  4. So unbelievably glad that I live in the UK,we seem to avoid the nutters. Good job it was your only date, I can only imagine what might've happened.

  5. Oh yeah...the UK is Nut-free.

    Try going on on a date that isn't set up by your parents and then come back and post in this forum, jerk-off.

  6. I'm with anon 11:44, that is CREEPY

  7. Churro...I was making fun of the poster from the UK stating "Nutters" don't see to exist there". It was sarcasm! I'm from Canada, eh!

  8. Anonymous@3.35pm, what are you talking aboot?

  9. Absolutely had no idea there were so many insane people in the world until I found this site. Da-yum.

  10. all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
    all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
    all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

  11. Holy crap, this is a classic example of someone who's had surgery to sever the connection between the two halves of the brain, usually to treat severe epilepsy. These people end up basically having two functional brains, since the separate halves still function normally. Since language is only produced on one side of the brain, you can have a normal conversation with someone like this but only really be conversing with half of them. The other half could be doing something totally unrelated, and the talking part of the brain will just come up with weird explanations for why it's doing what it does. Totally bizarre.

  12. Holy crap, this story was terrifying!

  13. Learning Orange has got it right. That, or she has some serious mental health issues. Which side of her body was the notepad on?


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