
The Dudette Abides

Submitted by Liz:

Jack promised to take me bowling for a first date.  I was in a league for a while and loved to hit the lanes.  He bragged about being a great bowler himself, so it was strange that when he picked me up, he suggested doing something else, like going for mini-golf or hitting up an arcade.

No, man.  You said bowling, and bowling we shall do.

Bowling we did.  "Don't go easy one me," he warned.  Loud and clear.

In game one, I handed it to him.  In game two, I butchered him.  By game three, he was toast.  He became more and more silent as the night went on, and while I encouraged him at the game and tried to strike up conversations, he seemed to be feeling less and less sure of himself.

As we left the lanes, I heard him mutter something under his breath.  I asked him to repeat it, and he told me that he didn't think it was fair that I beat him in each game, and that I should've let him win one, if I really cared about his feelings.

I told him that if he wanted to be a better bowler, I'd be happy to hit the lanes anytime he wanted and give him advice.

To that, he said, "Ugh," and nothing more.

In the parking lot we parted ways, and he never called me.  Part of me kind of hopes that he ended up dating another woman from my league who would royally serve him his own ass once more.


  1. Bunny Lebowski1/12/2010 10:17 AM

    It's true. When the guy on the date is overly competitive, everyone talks about what a douchenozzle he was. Did you think that because you're a girl, we'd go easy on you? So he bragged a little about being a good bowler. That doesn't give you the right to mop the floor with his ass and then brag about it and then wish further humiliation on him. Why don't you just date one of the other women in the league? You'd probably be more attracted to them anyway.

  2. Don't apologize for being good at something. Well played.

  3. Bunny, brilliant logic. A woman is a good at something so she must be a lesbian. I also did not see mention of her bragging anywhere.

  4. Patronizing someone by letting them win a stupid game, however, is just so endearing. I'd rather lose like a man.

  5. He entered a world of pain.

  6. Now now, you guys wouldn't be getting on her case if he had been OK with the competition. But since he acted like a little schoolgirl, you think she was being over competitive.

    I say: good going, you wouldn't have wanted to be with his whiny ass anyway.

  7. If you let others win (aside from small children) then you aren't being true to yourself, and the competition will never see any need to try any harder.

    If you can't stand when other people beat you and become a whiny little bitch, you should try a non-competitive sport, such as wanking off.

    If you post as "Bunny" on a site (BL reference aside) and say that a woman who beats a man must be a lesbian, then you are most likely a weasellly little boy with a tiny, tiny, tiny penis, a woman from 1953, or just a plain old troll.

  8. You should have been his bowling ball...

    Let him finger you and then throw you in the gutter!!!

  9. Bunny Lebowski1/12/2010 2:46 PM

    @Donnie (nice reference yourself):

    Plain old troll (of the female persuasion at that).

    Man, now I really wanna rewatch "The Big Lebowski"...

  10. Well at least you didn't pee on his carpet. It really ties the room together, ya know.

  11. While reading this one, something just screamed "lesbian" to me too. I don't know why. Must just be internet gaydar.

  12. It's more than a little sad that so many of the commenters who whine about the poster being too competitive seem to have entirely missed the fact that her date specifically said that she shouldn't go easy on him. It's too bad that he just couldn't take losing to a girl, but as others have already pointed out, if that's an issue for him, being rid of him is hardly a tragedy.

  13. That part at the end about offering him bowling coaching was probably a little snarky, but other than that, that guy sounds like a weiner.

  14. The guy says, "Don't go easy on me" and then complains when she isn't? I guess he, and everyone who complained about how "competitive" Liz was, wanted her to pretend she was doing her best but still let him win. That is pitifully childish and he deserved his humiliation.

  15. Seriously, get over yourself if you can't handle losing. I get competitive but it ain't antagonistic, more introspective. Good luck to ya bowling gal! I bowl in two leagues and bowling gals are the most fun to hang around with.

  16. Hahaha, it seems maybe she was taking the game a little too seriously...

  17. If I was on a date, I wouldn't think it would matter who won the games. It doesn't seem like she did anything wrong.

  18. Clearly he expected competition, but not complete defeat. Maybe he would be okay with her winning, but not totally trashing him. OP destroyed his confidence in an already nervous situation and alienated him. Sure, she's a good bowler. A date isn't to prove how awesome you are at bowling... Go to your league for that.

  19. you go girl!

    @ anon 10:43 If he didnt want complete defeat, than he shouldnt have pushed her to 'dont go easy on him!

    and whats with the ppl thinking she's a lesbian?

  20. Tsss... Didn't seem that he pushed her into it at all. She had a choice and picked bowling over making a connection with him. A bad date, agreed, but her fault too.

    And no clue about the lesbian thing.

  21. ...does anyone think that when someone says "don't go easy on me" they should be taken at their word?

  22. Whatever happened to being nice to each other? WTF, if a guy did this, he would be a bully, when a woman does this you look like a bitch. I'm a very competitive woman, but how about being relaxed and putting all BS aside and getting to know someone before you embarrass them. I wouldn't do this to another woman I was just becoming friendly with. There is a time and place for everything.


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