
A Rose Is a Rose No Matter How Much it Stinks

Submitted by Rachel:

I met Justin through a mutual friend. We talked at a couple of parties and I finally gave him my number.  We started texting back and forth for a little while when he asked me out on a date.  He was cute, liked to joke around, and got my dry sense of humor. I thought it would be a better idea if we went out with our mutual friend and her boyfriend so I could have an escape route just in case. He said that was great and all four of us arranged the date. Reservations at 8. Meet for drinks at 6:30.

My friend and I were on our way to her boyfriend's house (where everyone was supposed to meet at 6:30) and she got a call from none other than Justin.  It was 6:26.

Justin asked, "What are you up to tonight?"

My friend said, "We're on our way to my boyfriend's house to meet for the double date.  Isn't that the plan?"

"Oh yeah!  I just got off work.  Can you come pick me up?"

We picked him up from work and he carried three dozen roses into the car with him.  He held him on his lap and didn't mention them at all.

At 7:15, we pulled up to my friend's boyfriend's house and called the restaurant to make reservations for 8:30.

We had a couple of drinks and the whole time Justin wouldn't stop talking.  Maybe he was just nervous.

At 8:24, we made it to the restaurant, and just as the host was about to seat us, Justin was nowhere to be found.  Where was he?  Handing out individual roses from his bouquet to various ladies in the bar.  I went to tell him that we were being seated, and he told me that he'd be right there.

Some time later, Justin finally made it to the table.  We had already ordered without him.  He looked at me and asked, "Where's my food?"

I told him that we had already ordered.  He shrugged and took off for the bar, where we eventually found him, flirting with some other women, after dinner.


  1. can we have some of the commentry from your friend and her boyfriend about what was going on? She's a mutual friend so she must have some reason to like him and would be as dumbfounded as I a for his behaviour.


  2. I just wanna know what he did with all those roses. Someone should have asked!

  3. Raen...he gave them to random women at the bar. Did you not read the story?

    "At 8:24, we made it to the restaurant, and just as the host was about to seat us, Justin was nowhere to be found. Where was he? Handing out individual roses from his bouquet to various ladies in the bar."

  4. Honestly, with things like this, I am at a completel loss on trying to explain their behavior. I can only shake my head and say "drugs." There is no explanation I can think of.

  5. Ahh, I read that part, but I had thought I saw a question mark after, making it, "Handing out individual roses from his bouquet to various ladies in the bar?"

    I thought she was speculating rather than stating. Whoops.

  6. i think you may be the only one who thought this was a date, sounds to me he was just hanging with friends and having dinner.

  7. by the way, how did that "escape route" work for you? his was better, muhahahahahaha

  8. @ 11:33 Shut up Justin

  9. *shrug*
    He wasn't attracted to you.


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