
Putty for Brains

Submitted by Lisa:

Drew and I were at a mall, heading to a restaurant for dinner.  On our way, we passed by a toy store.  He bolted inside and stared at a rack of novelty items.

"Hell yes," he said, "They have funny putty!"

I asked, "You mean silly putty?"

He turned to me and said, "Silly putty sucks, and so do you!"

He then ran down an aisle, emerged with armfuls of stuffed animals, and threw them all at my face.

"Funny putty!  It's funny putty!" he said.

Some passing shoppers laughed, and I suggested, "Dinner?"

He lowered his voice and started poking me.  "Funny putty, funny putty," he said over and over.

That pretty much killed it, although he behaved himself well enough during dinner.  Of course, it didn't help that afterward, he jumped onto a horse sculpture at the mall and pretended to drink its urine.


  1. ...and then you went to dinner with him? What??

  2. hahah. To each their own. I sort of love the guy.

  3. Oh my god that is ridiculous- what a bad date!

  4. Is the OP really young? I can't imagine a woman past the age of 15 putting up with that.

  5. I thought I'd logged onto IMMD and was reading a story about a lady with her child at first


  6. Oh, high school. When you take what you can get.

  7. Yeah, this definitely has to be a date from middle school or early high school.

  8. I may be alone in this, but he sounds like he was just trying to be silly and inject some levity into the date and make the OP laugh. Not everyone can be the pefect comedian though, but still try nevertheless.

  9. If that's his idea of comedy, then I hope he enjoys being a virgin.

  10. That's my idea of comedy and my sex life has not been affected by it at all.

  11. Comedy and annoyance are two separate things in my book.

  12. http://www.amazon.com/Funny-Putty-Lori-Olson-Randall/dp/1592080081/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1261283917&sr=8-2

  13. Was he lying about his age or are you really fifteen?

  14. Must be Drew Carey.

  15. If you are really adults then I'd say he was having a manic episode and be glad he's out of your life. I bet he was bi-polar.

  16. OMG, it must have been like being on a date with Lloyd Christmas!


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