
Not Exactly What I Had in Mind

Submitted by Liz:

A couple of years ago, I had just moved into a new apartment complex, and had met Jake. We started hanging out and we kissed a few times.

I noticed pretty quickly that all he was interested in doing was messing around and watching cartoons. I'm not a needy girl and wasn't looking for anything serious, so it didn't really bother me.  However, I did just want to know where we stood, so one day I asked him what we were.

"Are we dating?" I asked, "Because we've never actually gone on a date."

He just brushed it off, and I dropped it.

A couple of days later, we were hanging out on his couch watching cartoons, and he asked if I was hungry.  I said no, because I had already eaten.  He responded, "Well, I'm hungry, let's go to Carl's Jr."

We went, and I didn't eat anything because of the whole "I'm not hungry" thing. I sat there watching him eat his burger when all of a sudden he looked up at me and said, "There, now you can't say I've never taken you out on a date."


  1. Wow, I can't believe you wasted your time hanging out and making out for however long hoping things would change. Why should they? He had a girl that was perfectly happy to slump on his couch and make out indefinitely.

    Girl, seriously, get a hobby. Volunteer somewhere. Get out of the house. You're your own worst enemy.

  2. I think he's got a valid point.

  3. :) its funny but I wouldn't hold it against him...

  4. Anon #1, I don't think she really cared. She said she wasn't looking for anything serious. The story was funny, and I think that was the reason she posted it.

  5. Thanks 1:02. I really wasn't looking for anything serious, I was only 18, and didn't really want a "boyfriend" so for the time being I had been ok with things not changing...
    The reason I thought this was so bad was becuase, seriously, who takes a girl to Carl's Jr, when she's not even hungry and than considers that a date??

  6. I've read this somewhere before. This is fake.

  7. Both parties in this story were ridiculous. And so are some of you posters. Anon2:12 - was that really necessary? Holy, grow up!

  8. @ 2:21, I assure you this isn't fake, it really happened to me.. the guy was a jerk, we ended up breaking up (if that's what you want to call it) after we'd gotten in a car accident together, I had hurt my neck, so they didn't want to give me painkillers, no one in my family came up to get me, so I was sitting in my apartment with an injured neck, and a concussion, he was able to take painkillers and his family drove down from Salt Lake to get him, so he was with family in painkiller heaven. I was talking to him on the phone, and I was in so much pain I started to cry. this was his response to me "your always telling me how well you ahndle pain, you just need to stop being so emo about it..."

    I stopped talking to him after that.

  9. So, you kept "seeing" him after Carl's Jr.? Are you sure you weren't younger than 18?

  10. People who have no one to blame but themselves shouldn't be allowed to post here.

  11. This was a bad date? LOL If you weren't needy why did you care? Sounds like you were great make out cartoon buddies.

  12. we were great makeout cartton buddies, why is everyone taking this story so seriously?? I'm sure he was only kidding when he said it, and I jsut think it makes a hilarious "date" story... he didn't start acting like a jerk until much later, and than we promptly stopped being makeout buddies. I wasn't looking for anything serious, but I didn't want to date a complete jerk either.

  13. WHen you read all these stories without reading the comments, it is actually a lot funnier... people are killing it with negativity - said the sec post above me.. i agree.

  14. OP i think you did a good job leaving his ass. 90% of females are stupid and stay with a guy like this dude because there self esteem is in the gutters. It's messed up, he should'a gave you a pain killer.. I don't no why he got it and you didnt.. But he shoulda gave you a few. And the fact that he FINALLY took you to that food joint when you were NOT even hungry says alot about his ignorance.. Good Job for standing up for yourself.. (I really do hope it was YOU who kicked HIM to the curve.)


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