
My Parents Were My Prom Dates

Submitted by Liz:

I was living in California, and junior prom was falling on my 17th birthday. I was really excited to go with my boyfriend.

On the day of prom, I got all dressed up, was ready to go, than I got a phone call. It was my boyfriend calling to inform me that he no longer wanted to go to prom with me, because of rumors he had heard about me from his sister and her boyfriend.

I said okay, and hung up. I was all dressed up with nowhere to go, so I ended up going to Applebees and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. In my prom dress. With my parents. On my birthday.


  1. You just said "ok" then hung up? Were they really rumors?

  2. I went to my prom alone, on my birthday. I'm sorry you went through that but you still should've gone.

  3. I didn't go to prom at all, but I've seen all them Star Wars! Wanna date???

  4. That is sad. I'm sorry.

  5. That's sad, but you kinda brought it on yourself. You could have gone to prom and had a really good time with your friends. Maybe gone out afterwards. Although, at 17, if that had happened to me, I probably would have cried and then slashed my boyfriend's tires.

  6. Nikki...you sound like a real prize. It'd be better if you cried and then slashed your wrists.

  7. This story sucks. Those rumors were probably true. Hence you didn't mention anything more about it.

  8. Anon 1:17 has a point, I was actually going to write a similar comment.

  9. @anon 2:59, I second that.

  10. ok... so here's what happened... I had talked to my friend about how my boyfriend and I just weren't really getting along anymore, and I didn't know if we would be dating for much longer, but I wanted to wait until prom to see if things changed (plus we had already spent a lot of money on the thing)
    this got turned into "she wants to dump you, but isn't going to until after prom, cuz she wants to wear her dress...

    so, ultimately when he called, I didn't really care, because I was already thinking about breaking up with him anyways. ( and I really wanted to see Star Wars)

    I would've gone by myself, but it was at his school, and he lived on the air base...

  11. lol, thanks Anon 11:14

  12. Ok so you totally had it coming. If you set yourself up for a bad "date", what were you expecting?!

  13. I didn't WANT to break up with him, I wanted to keep trying to see if things changed, but when he dumped me simpley because of things that other people had said, I realised he wasn't worth my time. If he wasn't willing to give me a second thought, why should I give him any?

    so yeah, it was partly my fault for talking to toehr people about it (a mistake that I have definately learned from) but he was the dick who dumped me without hearing my side. If he had just asked me, I would've been completely honest and we could've worked it out.

    and besides, its just a funny friggin' story, I'm not looking for pity, I couldn't really care less if I had gone to jr. prom.

  14. Thanks for clarifying, Liz. A lot of the asshole commenters probably wouldn't have had much to say if the story had been a little clearer in the beginning. :p


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