
A Bad Case of the Dates: Comic Issue #4


  1. sorry this isn't really funny :-(

  2. the top one was funny!!!

  3. Bottom of the page at the moment. I'll have a link up higher shortly.

  4. Done. Thanks for subscribing!

  5. please stop with these, post more date stories

  6. I think these are funny!

  7. Anonymous above = JMG

  8. Nope. JMG is JMG. I'm never Anonymous. But I do agree that they were funny.

  9. More bottom-of-the-barrel scraps.

  10. It is with deepest regret that write to inform you, JMG, that these comics are about as funny as fish puns.

    They've just got no sole.

  11. The first one wasn't too bad but the others leave something to be desired. I get the feeling the creator isn't a comics writer.


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