
Cutting it Short

Submitted by Eli:

Short one:

I took Christina out for a first date at a restaurant.  After some smalltalk, less than five minutes in, she asks, "Is it okay that I'm a cutter?"

I was amazed that she would say such a thing, but I shot back, "No, it's not okay."

I didn't say anything else, and she was quiet for a little while.  We eventually continued on in awkward smalltalk for the rest of the date, said goodnight, and that was it.


  1. LOL @ the title on this one. What a weird situation. Cutter chicks aren't worth getting caught up in, wise idea to avoid the drama and bullshit.

  2. And if she is interested in you, imagine all the emo poetry she will make you read.

  3. Same thing happened to me! Pretty girl too!

  4. ...? Yo, ex-cutter here, I cut because it felt good & I didn't want to take out anger on other people. I'm not dramatic at all, trust me. ;x

  5. Same here commenter #3. Although, I didn't blurt it out in the first 10 minutes of a new relationship.

  6. What's a cutter?

  7. cutting is a form of self-abuse. Do a google search to learn more.

  8. cutter = a eunuch who dresses like a female. you're welcome.

  9. A cutter can be a towney\local in Bloomington, IN.

  10. wow - someone saying no like that kinda forces one to cut some more, doesn't it?

    Kinda mean.

  11. Actually cutter = a female eunuch

  12. She wasn't going to cut you so what's the big deal? You should have told here you were a Backdoor Man and asked her if she had a problem with that. And if she didn't then you should have totally gone with it because putting up with a little knife and blood action is a totally fair exchange for someone who lets you buttbang her any time day or night.

  13. There is apparently a confusion due to localized colloquial terms.

  14. A cutter takes a knife to their skin, cuts and loves the feeling and sight of blood pooring out.

    Self infliction of pain baby

  15. I suspect that the woman was lying because she wanted to end the date early. Everyone knows that if you want to send someone running, you have to tell them something crazy like that.

  16. @ Anon 4 and 5
    You know she's strange BECAUSE she said it on the first date.

    Or Mallory's answer.


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