
My Mistake. I Sent it to Everyone BUT You.

Email Sent in by Suzanne:

I like the photos you posted of yourself with cats.  Ever think about posting a photo of yourself with just your own, built in, biological cat?  You know what I mean.

You can post it up here (ultraHOT) or you could be private and send it to me.  Your choice but you must choose one…


(Suzanne says: "Surprisingly, I didn't reply.  Two weeks later, though, he followed up with this:")

Hey.  So where is it?  Hope you didn't send it to some other guy by accident.  Send it to me please.



  1. "Biological cat" -- as opposed to laser cat, I suppose.

  2. Why all the pussyfooting around, Jerry?

  3. I love how he makes it an order. "You must choose one". Yeah. Right.

  4. Baku, There can only be one!


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