
He Still Earned an Education

Story Submitted by Francesca:

I had a work study job in a college admissions office during my senior year.  One day, a guy around my age came in and introduced himself.

He said, "I'm Kevin, and I'm a senior here. I never do this, but I'd like to invite you to dinner with me."

We chatted for a bit.  I asked him about professors he had and classes he had taken.  I liked how confident he was, and I also liked his sense of humor, so after a little bit, I felt comfortable enough to accept his offer for a date that evening after work.

At dinner, at an on-campus restaurant, he talked for a while about himself primarily information about things he had done in high school, then asked me questions.  He seemed particularly interested in my work at the admissions office.

Finally, he came out and said, "What if I told you that I'm a high school senior who really wants in to your school?"

I took a moment to go over his statement, swallowed the wave of disappointment, and said, "I'd probably call you a liar."

He said, "I never lied.  I told you that I was a senior, here," he pointed down to the floor, "As in right here.  Not a senior here, at this school."

I said, "Then you lied and misled me about classes you've taken and professors you've had."

It was then his turn to think for a little bit.  He said, "Yeah.  I guess I kind of did.  Anyway, do you think I could get into your school?"

I said, "If even half of what you told me about your high school accomplishments is true, then I'd say you had a decent shot.  But since I'm not in a position that makes those decisions, and I'll probably be telling the admissions officers about this chat, then I'd have to say probably not."

"Oh, come on!" he shouted.

I nodded.  "Sorry.  I don't like being tricked."

He said, "But I'm paying for dinner!"

I said, "I can't in good conscience let someone who tried to trick his way into my good graces just get away with it."

He said, "But you just said that you're not in the position that makes these decisions, so it looks like we're both wasting our time.  I'll get in."

"I'm sure you will," I said.

Good as his word, he paid for the meal, and good as mine, I told the dean of admissions all about it.

He didn't get in.


  1. Double fail.
    Didn't get in to the school
    Didn't get in to your pants.

  2. Maybe I missed something but Kevin apparently never tried to get into Francesca's pants, just to use her to gain admisssion to the school. So single fail, no pun intended.

  3. ^I'm going to pretend you're being sarcastic and aren't just a stupid bastard.

    Points for the kid for being crafty though. Francesca, do you work at Loyola MD? Because I can totally see one of our applicants doing this.

  4. Ah yes, lying your way into college is so much better than getting in on your own merits... Yeah, I don't think any admissions office is wrong for taking the honesty of their applicants into account. Saves time later in dealing with cheating/plagiarism.

    The ironic thing is, if he'd been honest about what he wanted upfront, he could have asked for an informational interview, and the worst that happens is she tells him that she doesn't make admissions decisions and neither of them waste time on a fake "date" where neither of them get what they want.

  5. No, the OP's actions were appropriate given her job description. As I said, colleges have a vested interest in how honest their applicants are. Colleges have limited openings, so why should they give one to an applicant who has already demonstrated a lack of academic honesty? There are plenty of better applicants out there.

  6. A friend of mine works with students looking to transfer in to my school. She helps them figure out which course from their other colleges will transfer here and what classes to take and so on. A recent student assured her that he had sent transcripts to our school and had had his transfer courses approved already by one of the other advisers. She checked, and he hadn't done either. He hadn't even contacted his current college to send the transcripts over. She filed an Honor Code violation against him, and it could very well cost him his admission.

    She wasn't being a bitch; she was making sure a kid who lies about big things like that doesn't get into our school and become a pain in the ass liability for the next four years.

  7. Great site, very impressive.



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