
You Lacking My Address is Relieving Enough

E-mail Submitted by Edna:

You may be pregnant but I'm not the father. If those words relieve you then perhaps you'll consider a relationship with me. I am full of relieving words.

I built 20 birdhouses last year and this year only 10 are left. The birds that lived with them must have gone away. If you are afraid of birds then this should relieve you.

I live in a valley-afraid of heights? That should make you relieved! I have water and I live-love alone. You should stay with me for a while. I can fight for you but I won't die for you. Can you can do that yourself!



  1. "I have water"
    "I won't die for you. Can you can do that yourself!"

  2. ::stares blankly:: what just happened?

  3. Thanks, Sawyer. I wasn't able to read it well enough the first time.

  4. "I live-love alone"
    Somebody masturbates A LOT.

  5. "You may be pregnant but I'm not the father. If those words relieve you then perhaps you'll consider a relationship with me"?


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