
A Piece of Work

Email Submitted by Dawn:

There's a picture on your profile that I want a higher res image of.  Can you send it to me?  I think you know the one.  You are so beautiful I stared at it for an hour today no joke.

Once you send it to me I will print it out big and frame it in my home.  What I don't get it people have images of random history people in their houses in portraits all the time.  Why not have pictres of people we know.  I want a picture of you and you will send it to me I will frame it and look at it.

You're welcome for the compliment.  I would also like to get to know you better.  Perhaps beauty is more than skin deep?



  1. Perhaps creepy is more than skin deep?

  2. "I want a picture of you and you will send it to me I will frame it and look at it."


  3. "I want a picture of you and you will send it to me I will frame it and look at it."

    ...and pet it and stroke it and call it George...

  4. "I want a picture of you and you will send it to me I will frame it and look at it."

    Why yes, master, your wish is my command. No need to say please either.


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