
Apologies, Comrade Stalin

E-mail Submitted by Danny:

No joke - I just graduated law school and I can probably get you prosecuted for at least six things on your profile, as it stands right now.  Libel, slander, harassment, sexual harassment, invasion of privacy, and fraud.

You're on this site looking for a woman, right?  So you resort to fraud to ensnare one.  You mention a few of the thigns you want in a woman: harassment/sexual harassment.  You even say, "I'm tired of the disrespect I found in past relationships" - hello libel/slander, anyone???  Also, every time you ask someone a personal detail, that's invasion of privacy!

Not just your profile - many of them are like this, but I felt you should know that you're liable to be prosecuted if you leave it up this way.  Change it up!  Or be prosecuted.  Your choice!



  1. That person obviously doesn't know what these terms mean.

  2. Seriously: is this some weird kind of flirting?

  3. Huh. It really is that easy to get a law degree by mail.

  4. He should've responded with a copy of the site's EULA.

  5. I didn't know these sorts of people actually existed, she would have been so much fun to troll.

  6. I don't know why, but every female lawyer I've ever met liked to use legalese to flirt. The correct answer is "yes, talk legal to me baby!" Unless of course your not interested, in which case tell her you're seeking an injuction.

  7. She might have a easier time getting him for false advertisement than fraud.

    The way I see it, it's kind of like those people who start taking psych courses. Suddenly they're analyzing their friends trying to figure out what dysfunctions they have. She just took a law course and is trying to find things to prosecute someone with.

  8. ^ They say when all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail...

  9. More than anything, it occurs to me that this woman Angie is desperate for attention.

  10. ...*busts out laughing* Oh my God, this is fantastic. I'm with thepastryfascist: the trolling opportunities for this woman would have been AWESOME.

  11. As a law student, I'd like to emphasize that this woman clearly doesn't know anything about law...


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