
Shared Thoughts

E-mail Submitted by Colleen:

Hello.  The first thing I thought of when I saw your pictures were, "She looks like a bat."  The second thing I thought of was, "Bats are poor love-givers."  The third and final thing I thought was, "I would not like to make love to this woman, mostly because she is batlike."



Colleen Responds:

Hello.  The first thing I thought of when I read your e-mail was, "He sounds like a prick."  The second thing I thought of was, "He sounds like a major prick."  The third and final thing I thought was, "He sounds insecure, sad, and lonely, but those make him no less a prick."



1 comment:

  1. ...she resembles a Louisville slugger? Wow...she's thin!


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