
Blog of Love

Story Submitted by George:

Clara had a blog that I visited every now and again.  I noted that she was local and single, but it never occurred to me to reach out to her until she wrote a post about a abusive ex-boyfriend that she had.  I commented something long and heartfelt, about how she deserved someone who treated her better, etc.

She wrote me an e-mail in response, essentially asking me out.  I thought it a bit quick, especially as I had spent a while reading her blog and getting to know her that way, and she only knew me as a lurker who posted one or two comments, ever.  Maybe it was the fact that I was a local fan.  In any event, that's how we came to meet.

I was excited to meet her, and for the first half-hour of our time together in the coffee shop, things went great.

Something that was a little odd about her, though, was that whenever she wasn't talking, she would hum.  It was annoying enough for me to ask her about it.

She said, "Oh, it's just a coping mechanism," and left it at that.

I knew that she had been through a lot, so I didn't push her any further on the topic.  The only thing was that she hummed even louder.

A little bit later, she received a phone call that she said she had to take.  She went outside and I surveyed the shop.  It was moderately busy, and there was an even chance that someone I knew personally might have also been there.  It was a local hangout.

When she came in, she asked, "Am I boring you that much?  I saw you scoping out the scene."

I explained that I wasn't checking other people out, but she said, "Come on.  We're leaving."

We had planned on a walk after coffee, but something was definitely bugging her.  As we left the place, I asked her if everything was okay, and she said, "Yeah, fine."

We went for our walk as dusk settled in.  She didn't say anything to me, but began walking faster, and I had to speed up to keep pace.  She walked even faster, so that she was two steps, then three, ahead of me.

I jogged to keep up, and then she ran away, at a speed I was unwilling to match.  I watched as she ran down the sidewalk, around a corner, and out of sight.

Of course, over the next few weeks, I checked out her blog to see if she mentioned anything that would explain her behavior, but her subsequent posts said nothing about our "date."

I've since stopped reading her blog, now that I know what kind of a person she is.


  1. Serves you right for spiking her coffee with crystal meth.

  2. Some men like 'The Chase', and some women take this to mean literally a chase.

  3. t never occurred to me to reach out to her until she wrote a post about a abusive ex-boyfriend that she had. I commented something long and heartfelt, about how she deserved someone who treated her better, etc.


  4. Why can't people just face their problems instead of, in this case quite literally, running away from them?

  5. We have a runner! New category?

  6. Error: I don't know that we've ever had a literal runner, but there have been disappearing dates before. I think we should definitely make this a new tag though.

    PS: I LOVE on cop shows when the suspect runs away. SO EXCITING.


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