
Date the Parents

Submitted by Paul:

Gwen was really excited about meeting me.  I was really into her, too.  We had some of those long conversations in which you forget about the time that passes, the sort that makes you feel like you just finished a satisfying meal.  I learned all about her, her work as a landscaper, and her family.

The first date was her idea.  She invited me over to her place and said that she'd cook for me.  This was very exciting, and I really couldn't wait.

For some reason, I had thought that she lived in an apartment.  It was a house.  Her father answered the door.  He welcomed me in and sat me down in the living room.  It smelled like someone was cooking, but Gwen was nowhere in sight.

He started asking me about my job, my life, my family, my prospects.  It was very uncomfortable, and it was like had had every question planned at the outset.

After the first round, he called his wife in.  She gave me a nice smile, but she sat next to her husband and asked me her own set of questions.  The husband stared at me the whole time, but she barely made eye contact at all and spoke very softly.  Her questions were ridiculously weird.  She asked me things that sounded like they came from a psychological questionnaire: "If a parking meter ate your quarters, what would you do?"  "Do you like animals?"  "Does the hole in the ozone layer make you sad?"  WTF?

At one point, I asked if Gwen was around.  Her father said, "Yes," and left it at that.

Gwen did arrive to announce that dinner was ready.  I sat down with her and her parents at the table.  Her father said a grace that lasted about ten minutes, and he kept eying me the whole time.  What was he expecting?  Me to stop him?  To steal some food while he wasn't looking?  Stop testing me, old man!

No one said a word at dinner.  Well, that's not true.  Someone said, "Pass the green beans," once.  Gwen hardly even looked at me.  I kept telling myself that it would all be over soon, that I'd be able to leave, and that, on the plus side, I'd have a well-cooked meal.

Directly after dinner, I was able to thank Gwen for the meal.  Her parents stood up and escorted me to the door.  Good night.

Gwen called me later and told me that I had impressed her not-easily-impressed parents.  Yay.  She then said that she had a nice time, and that for our next date, we could all go out to dinner somewhere.

I asked her if it would be possible to have a date without her parents, and she told me, "Probably not until we're married."

Okay, then.  No thank you.


  1. Wow, how did you meet her? Did your time machine crash? You handled that really well.

  2. Not telling you that dinner meant meeting her parents?!? How stupid and thoughtless at best. Congrats on handling an awkward situation. I just can't get past someone not mentioning something like that to a date. Yeesh.

  3. One of those rare dates on abcotd where the OP does nothing wrong and handles everything well. From the really long grace I'd have to assume that the reason the girl was so over-sheltered was because her family was very religious. Her over-controlling parents are definitely succeeding in preventing her from having any real relationships

    1. Not necessarily. But they *are* preventing her from having relationships with people who are used to going on actual dates.

      Which may be the goal. Dating is not the only way to find a compatible partner.

  4. Wow, just...wow. That poor, poor girl. I agree with the above about why that didn't come up in conversation beforehand. And yes, well handled. Wow.

  5. I dated a religious guy once. He tried to trick me into meeting his parents, but I got wise before it happened. Not cool.

    Full disclosure at all times!

    Sorry 'bout your luck. At least you dodged the bullet early.

  6. The whole "dodging a bullet" cliché is getting a little out of hand. I wonder if there's a story on this site that doesn't have it at least once..

  7. I don't know if there's a story on this site that doesn't have at least one idiot posting the good old "dodged a bullet" cliché..

  8. @admin please delete one of the comments above, something wasn't quite working with the edit function.

  9. Wow. That made me feel uncomfortably awkward just reading it. You handled that really well, and hopefully someday that girl will find a guy who shares her parents' values and can still make her happy.

  10. 11:08, the only thing worse than a cliche is when some busybody decides to post (twice) to point it out. I don't think he "dodged a bullet". I think he poor guy dodged a cannonball.

  11. Whats wrong in pointing out a cliché? You're probably one of the tools that keep posting it and now I hurt your little feelings.

  12. I think that if people have the time to point out and whine about cliches, then they probably need to go on more dates or just generally get out more. I love this site but the wannabe editors need to move on. This seems to be happening a lot lately and I blame it on the high unemployment rate.

  13. Man this one is sad. That poor girl probably didn't think to mention that the date included her parents b/c she was probably so over-sheltered and brainwashed that she thought it was normal, like everybody goes on dates with their parents.

  14. One of my fav posts here. He really bodged the dullet.

  15. 12:11 - Here here. Seconded. Love the site also, and usually the comment section is a little more clever than the average bear. But the wannabe editors are killing the flow for me.

    The hall monitors need to calm down.

  16. Hey he really did DODGE A BULLET didn't he? Sorry couldn't resist. My goodness people please stay on topic.

  17. Wow OP, I feel your pain, I also had that situation and it is not nice at all, parents should be gradually introduced in situations you can easily escape!

  18. I want to know the age of this girl.

  19. @12:11 what about people who whine about people who whine about clichés? Hypocrite.

  20. ^ hello everyone! Let's stay on topic! That means you above. Don't be so petty.
    As for my opinion on the date, I feel really sorry for this girl. She is going to have a very hard time adjusting to the real world once she escapes the protective bubble her parents put around her. I'm sure they think they are doing well by sheltering her but the opposite is true in the long run.


  22. " I asked her if it would be possible to have a date without her parents, and she told me, "Probably not until we're married." "

    Can you imagine how hot the sex will be in the back of his car with her parents in the front seat? talk about EPIC!

  23. Whoa, that OP totally dodged a bullet!

  24. I almost commented that the OP had, you know, d'ed a b. Whew! Good thing I read the rest of the comments first. I guess I d'ed a b myself there.

  25. I bet her snatch looks like a wookie with a redbird in it's mouth

  26. ^ LOL

    Ok, now that that's out of the way. Dude, did you not notice the horse and buggy she rode around in and her lack of any kind of tech? Plus, her hommies agreed she really looks good in black.

  27. The OP is lucky to have figured this out before he went too far -- imagine what would have happened if he'd splooged a gullet!

  28. man this guy really dodged a bullet here!

  29. http://www.comicbookbin.com/artman2/uploads/5/dodgebullets.jpg

  30. Maybe a different phrase could be used? For instance, "That man certainly removed himself from the trajectory of the blindingly fast small metal object!"

    Would the opposite of "dodging a bullet" be "riding the bomb" a la Slim Pickens? sure. yeah. it would be.

  31. People have nothing more intelligent to comment about other than exclaiming "dodged a bullet". Maybe they should put a button similar that of Facebook's "Like" but labeled "Dodged a Bullet" instead.

    How bout the fact that it is rather suspect to be asked on a first date to a woman's house when the two are no more than strangers?

    I would have said I was busy, but countered for a different day and said lets meet [insert a public place (restaurant or coffee shop etc.) time]... Can you make it?

    She then would have coughed up about the strict parents having to screen her dates which could be responded to as "premature".

  32. ^ Wow 9:00. Just think, he could have waited until she was 16 and then they BOTH could have enjoyed Rumspringa! She would try to keep her virginity so it'd be all anal all the way!

    I guess he dodged a buttsecks bullet!


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