
Ice Guys Finish Last

Submitted by Daisy:

Drew and I met online.  We decided to go to a café in a quaint little downtown area.  It was the dead of winter, just after an ice storm.  We were walking down a sidewalk, on our way, when he slipped and fell on a patch of ice!

My first reaction was, "Are you all right?" and I bent to help him up.  He was none the worse for wear, but he shot me a dirty look, as if I was responsible for him falling.  "Are you all right?" I asked him again, and again he didn't answer.

I smiled, trying to diffuse what was becoming a tense situation, and he said, "Don't you laugh at me!"  He forged onward, and I followed, confused and a little weirded out.

Just outside the café, we were about to enter when I slipped and nearly fell, but Drew pointed and yelled, "HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I said, "Uh..."




"Drew, what–"


I didn't say anything else.  He cleared his throat and said, "Doesn't feel so good, does it?"



I said nothing else.  He opened the door to the café and went inside.  I turned and booked it back to my car.  Luckily, I didn't slip or fall.  I didn't need to have breakfast with an asshole that day.  Or any day, for that matter.


  1. Really? You wanna be That Guy on this forum? Be a *little* more creative, okay, 9:57?

  2. Oh wow, lame 9:57.

    Good grief Ice Guy! Buddy can't handle falling on some ice? Buddy's gotta laugh a little. Good for you for getting out of there and not sitting through a pointless date. Nice.

  3. I plead the FIFTH!!

  4. I wanna have SIXTH with Daisy...she thounds HOT

  5. I'm thirsty, I think I'll have a SEVEN up...

  6. Is Daisy hot? My magic EIGHT balls reads: "All signs point to yes".

  7. Nine Inch Nails used to be a good band and all, but then Trent Reznor had to start acting like a whiny bitc....oh, sorry. I catch on to games kinda slow.

    Um...Nein sex for that guy! hahahaha...

  8. I would have dashed away on my ten speed.

  9. Did you fall in front of a seven-ELEVEN?

  10. Did this happen during the TWELVE days before Christmas?

  11. I'm breaking the trend...who makes breakfast a first date?

  12. FOURTEEN-year-olds. After church. It was more of a brunch thing, I'm sure.

  13. Fifteen, by Taylor Swift plays softly on the radio, while I sit and wonder why someone would venture into the aftermath of an ice storm for breakfast with a stranger?

  14. There were SIX TEENs in the cafe with them, who probably should have been in school. They laughed at the situation too.

  15. One particularly precocious girl was reading a Seventeen magazine.

  16. i had nine teens at my bar mitzvah.

  17. 20 years ago, that would have been funny, now i have fallen, and I can't get up


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