
I Don't Even Remember There BEING a Party...

Submitted by Erica:

Tom took me out to his friend's party for a first date activity.  The first thing he did there was make a beeline for the alcohol, leaving me to my own devices, which was fine.  I'm able to make friends quickly in a new social setting, and soon, when I lost track of where Tom disappeared to, I was talking to a small group of people.

An hour and a half later, Tom stumbled over to me and grabbed my shoulder.  "I was looking everywhere for you," he said.

I excused myself and followed him to a quieter corner.  He asked me, "Do you want to fuck that guy you were talking to?  Because it's okay..."

I was about to tell him that I wasn't interested in any of the guys I was talking to (least of all him) when he finished, "...if you're a slut."

I told him that I was probably going to head home on my own, and I thanked him for a nice evening.  He said, "Okay... wait!"  He grabbed my arm.  "Where are you... you're going home?"

"Yes.  I think I'm all set here."

He slurred, "But we're on a date!  I wanted to take you to show you to meet my friends."

I lightly pushed him away and said, "I'm just going to go to the bathroom, but I'll be right back.  Wait right here."

He did.  I was able to grab my coat and walk right out.  Funniest part is, I gave a guy there my number when I was talking to him, and he and I ended up on a date a couple of weeks later.  Not a bad one, though.


  1. You didn't let the guy drive you home, so your story doesn't belong here.

    You just had to go and do something intelligent, didn't you. Why? Why? Whhhyyyyy!???!

  2. hahah I agree with 4:06. You broke the mold! A good decision!!!

  3. Nice move sneaking out. However, I do agree with the comments above. How could you be so sane!?

  4. Yes, yes! Real refreshing to read how she pulls out early at first sign of looming quagmire. Too many fools say, "But I had an open mind and wanted to give him a chance as he barfed/felt me out/cursed me..."

  5. "I was about to tell him that I wasn't interested in any of the guys I was talking to (least of all him) when he finished, "

    "Funniest part is, I gave a guy there my number when I was talking to him..."

    so you were interested in someone there?

    and maybe he saw you giving someone your number, maybe that is what set him off. not that that is an excuse for him not staying with you.

  6. yeah that guy was right
    but so were you!


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