
All Bad Dates Run to the Sea

Submitted by Tracy:

Max and I met up at a coffee place.  We talked for a while, and then took a walk by a river that goes through my town.  A path with a railing ran alongside it.

As we walked, Max stopped and climbed over the railing, holding onto it, though, so as to not fall into the river.  He told me that he used to do gymnastics in elementary school.  Then he asked me if I had ever had sex before.

I told him that I had.  He missed his footing and fell into the river!

I ran down to the bank to help him out and he pushed past me, soaking wet, telling me that he didn't want my help.  He stormed off, obviously not wanting to be followed.  I called after him, and he told me to go run back to once of those guys I had sex with.


  1. Well, look at it this way...your comments made him WET

  2. If he expects every girl he gets with to be a virgin, then he either needs to teleport to the 14th century or he needs to get used to masturbation.

  3. I am somehow not sure about this:

    "Then he asked me if I had ever had sex before.

    I told him that I had. He missed his footing and fell into the river!"

    I think it may be a slight representation. The actual conversation could have been:

    "Then he asked me how many guys I've had sex with. I told him about 643. He asked since when and I told him that its just the past year count. He missed his footing and fell into the river!"

  4. "If he expects every girl he gets with to be a virgin, then he either needs to teleport to the 14th century or he needs to get used to masturbation."

    Or just date fresher girls, duh! They're best before puberty hits anyway.

  5. @AC

    Have a seat right over there.

  6. hehe @ Jonathan and Anonymous 3:59


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