
But Donut Holes Are So Small

Submitted by Kimberly:

I met up with Chad at a cafe.  One of his first questions to me after sitting down was, "Do you think they serve alcohol here?"

We were talking, but it was a weird conversation.  Between topics (and even during them) he would stop talking altogether and just stare at me.  Even sometimes after I had asked him a question or had finished talking and waited for his response.

We were on the topic of food when he asked me if I liked donuts.  I told him that I didn't eat them too often, and then he leaned his head towards me, like he wanted to tell me a secret.  He whispered, "Because I use them in the bedroom."

I laughed, because I didn't know what else to do.  I soon after told him that I had to meet my sister and that I had to leave.


  1. I can too, but they would be mashed all to hell.

  2. LOL @ anonymous #1

  3. Clearly he did not think this analogy through, but what bothers me is how he discovered how he could distribute those doughnuts on his dangle.

  4. Great, now I have to wait until Spring to eat a donut

  5. What an ill-conceived line. I lol'd though.

  6. What Chad didn't telling you is that he used Dinky Donuts...

  7. Think about the hours of fun you could of had playing donut 'ring toss' with him....Your loss, sistah.

  8. Nothing to brag about, those doughnut holes are not that big.

  9. Re: Anon 1:33
    It's not the size of the holes, it's the number of fried dough rings that he is talking about.
    In other words, Einstein....It takes him 6 to cover his 'man meat' whereas it might take you 2, but takes me a baker's dozen to cover mine. You don't seem the smartest person to me, so a baker's dozen is actually 13. Now you know.

  10. @2:37, 13 inches, that will fit inside a doughnut hole is still a pencil, goober. now YOU know.

  11. I prefer girth to length, although obviously a balanced combination of both is the best.

  12. Creighton Duke11/30/2009 10:19 PM

    Is it rape if the doughnut is passed out and doesn't technically give consent?

  13. how old does the doughnut have to be to give consent?

  14. how old does the doughnut have to be to give consent?

  15. Speeking of cuntscent...he didn't get anyy on his fingger, did he?
    ...sory about my speling...

  16. How did he find that out?!?!!?? Ahhh, teenage years.


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