
Mr. Manipulation Meets His Match

Submitted by Anna:

Carl picked a pretty nice restaurant for our first date.  He seemed nice and friendly enough, being a junior associate in a tax services office.

When the check came, he didn't go for his wallet.  I took mine out and asked, "Do you want to split this?"

He said, "Actually, I don't really have much on me, and I left my cards at home.  Would you mind covering it, and I'll pay the next time?"

Whoa now.  First off, it's really a shameful thing to ask me out to dinner and then assume that I'm picking up the entire thing.  Secondly, who says that there's going to be a next time?

Then, he asked, "Do you want to get dessert?"

I frowned at him.  "Will that also be my treat?"

He said, "Yeah, but I already told you that I'd pick it up next date."

"What if there isn't a next date?" I asked.

That caught him off guard, and I followed it up with, "And what if I don't have enough to cover this whole thing?"

For the first time, he seemed nervous.  He said, "Just use one of your cards."

I replied, "I don't have any cards.  I guess I left them at home, too."  This wasn't true, but I wasn't going to be taken advantage of.  This guy had asked me out, had KNOWN that he was going out to dinner, and he didn't bring any money?  What gives?

He asked, "Can't you just pay for it?  I'll hit an ATM once we're out of here and pay you back."

I said, "Why not go hit up an ATM now?  I can wait."

Carl threw down his napkin and left.

When he didn't come back for twenty minutes, I called the manager over, explained the situation, and said that I would be glad to pay for what I ate.  The manager was sympathetic, and I gave him Carl's number so that he could follow up on the unpaid portion of the meal.

Of course, I never heard from Carl again.  It's too bad.  I was really looking forward to that second date.  Asshole.


  1. agreed! Good for you!

  2. Wow! Good for standing up for yourself like that. I can't believe anyone would be so greedy and stupid!

  3. WOO! Awesome girl! That's the way to do it!

  4. This is awesome.

  5. This guy was a proper manipulator - he was trying to make the assumtion of a second date by using language techniques he'd obviously planned ahead with. Well done for seeing through it all!

  6. Nice. I dont think I could do that - Id probably just pay for it and nevre talk to him again... I wish I had the courage to do that.

  7. I vote for this to be the best "worst date" story ever. Unbelievable!! Outrageous that he would then suggest dessert. This may have been a bad date, but it's a story you can tell for your whole life!

  8. You are good! I wonder how many other women have fallen for the "second date" bit? He's probably gotten quite a few nice meals off of this scam!

  9. Anna, you are FIERCE!!!!!

  10. he tried to game her... she saw through it. kudos. Now everybody here knows what to watch out for right?


  11. A++!! You go, girlfriend!

  12. right.. so how exactly is the manager going to "follow up" on the unpaid portion?

    come on you should have just paid the WHOLE bill after he had run out, talk about a cheap ass...

  13. Give me a break. You know, some people are genuinely not obsessed with money, believe it or not. Way to make an embarrassing situation for all parties involved out of what could have been an honest mistake.

    But hey! You saved a few bucks right!

  14. Nice Job! What a royal doucher. You know he's done this before. He uses the "second date" to make a girl feel like he's into her and that she should just pay because there will be another chance to go out with him. I see super lonely desperate girls falling for this. As for the rest of you here, read and learn.

  15. Handled like a pro! Very nice! :)

  16. Anonymous said...
    'come on you should have just paid the WHOLE bill after he had run out, talk about a cheap ass...'

    and also

    'Give me a break. You know, some people are genuinely not obsessed with money, believe it or not. Way to make an embarrassing situation for all parties involved out of what could have been an honest mistake.'

    Nice try, Carl, you douche.
    OP handled this perfectly - and was totally correct to only pay for her own food.

  17. I probably would have fallen for his scam. You have a sensible head on your shoulders and a good bullshit detector.


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