
A Touching Scene

Submitted by Greg:

April worked as a florist near my house, and I asked her out to dinner and a movie.  Dinner went fine.

At the movies, I picked a seat and she sat one seat away, putting an empty seat between us.  I moved over to sit next to her and she again shifted one seat away.  I asked her what she was doing.

She said, "I know what guys are like in movie theaters."

After a moment of stunned silence, I asked, "What are they like?"

She said, "You know.  You're a guy."

I said, "Remind me."

She said, "I don't know.  All touchy-feely."

I asked her, "What if I'm not like that?"

"All guys are."

Well, so that's how we watched the movie.  And since (to take a page out of her book) all florists are INSANE, I didn't ask her out again after that.


  1. Haha, boom. Nice closing sentence.

  2. Sweetie, florists aren't crazy. Just the one you decided to go out with.
    It's called poor judgement.

  3. "All guys are."

    Well, so that's how we watched the movie. And since (to take a page out of her book) all florists are INSANE, I didn't ask her out again after that.

    Learn to infer.

  4. All florists ARE insane. Did no one learn anything from Three's Company? Janet had the crazy eyes, fo sho.


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