
Falsehood in Advertising

Submitted by Christopher:

Alexandra and I traded messages on a dating site.  Her profile stood out from the rest and she was extremely attractive to me.  We agreed to meet up at a local park and take a walk through town, possibly grabbing lunch along the way.

Holy smokes, she was a hundred pounds heavier and at least six inches shorter than depicted in her photos.

I tried to point this out in the most genteel way possible.  She introduced herself and I said, "You don't look like Alexandra."

She tried to wave my confusion away and smiled.  "Oh, those pictures were from last year.  I haven't updated them, since I haven't had any new ones taken."

"Oh.  Hmmm."

Her pudgy face molded itself into a bigger smile.  "Ready to go?"

I was pretty quiet the whole time, as I was fairly disappointed.  When I made it home, I checked out her blog (which she had sent me the address of when we were still trading messages) and she had written a scathing review of our date:

"He hardly said a word the whole time!  He's either the shyest or most stuck-up guy ever!  Loser."

She never contacted me again.  Dear bullet: consider yourself dodged.


  1. I completely agree that it's wrong to lie on an dating site and post old, outdated photos but you surely must have realzied by now that a lot of people do this online so you should expect at least a little embellishment from most people. You also seem kind of shallow. So what if she was a little "pudgy" as you say; you could have at least been courteous to her for this one date, then let her down gently by explaining you didn't think things would work out or whatever. You said her profile stood out to you which made it seem like you were interested in her for more than just her looks, but obviously that's all you cared about in the end. Good luck finding your perfect woman online.

  2. Well of course a lot of people embellish in online dating sites, but that doesn't make it right for them to lie.

    I believe the rules of Barney's Lemon Law would apply to this case. If you don't get what you paid for, you can send it back. It'll be a thing.

  3. hey, Anon #1 - who said she was just "a little pudgy"? As he clearly said, she was a hundred pounds heavier and six inches shorter than in her photos. Sounds like her pudgy face was attached to a very round body. Looks may not be THE most important thing, but if somebody lies about their appearance that much then they deserve what they get.

  4. How can you be six inches shorter than your photo? Did she post a mug shot? With that, everything else falls into the dubious bucket as well.

  5. How likely is it that someone hadn't posted pics of themselves in over a year? Yes, people shouldn't lie in their profiles. To the person who responded first, women complain about it when men's pics don't match real life, I don't see why behaviour the other way should be considered "shallow".

  6. So if I expect tall, dark, and handsome, and a albino midget shows up, I should expect embellishment?
    Every person has a type that they like, if you are not what you say you are, expect to be called on it.
    If I want a short fat ass, I will search for it.

    Shallow? WTF is wrong with these people, it is not shallow to look for the physical traits that I like, and refuse to sympathize with someone who makes a date with me based on those assumptions.
    Here is a perfect metaphor: Anonymous has $10,000 dollars and one hour to buy the car of her dreams, say it is a 2005 Toyota Camry, we meet online, I show up with a 1979 Ford Pick-up.
    Would you be so shallow as to turn down a perfectly good truck?

  7. Anon 3 - Thank you for referencing the Lemon Law! "It's gonna be a thing."

  8. It's perfectly possible to be a very deep, complex, soul who doesn't get turned on by big women.

    I mean really, do you all go around looking at blokes with ugly girlfriends and think "he must be so deep"?

  9. she's a liar. she probably has an ugly personality anyway.

  10. No fatties.


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