
A Royally Good Time

Profile Sent in by Eileen:

The six things I can't live without

A castle
A throne
A scepter
A crown
A velvet cloak
A mating pair of crocodiles


  1. I think the watching crocodiles mate fetish is what ruined his chances at having any dates...The thing that bothered me is that he did not mention a moat.Crocodiles need moats.And that is what leaves me wondering where are they supposed to mate?He should of stopped at velvet cloak.Who doesn't like velvet?

  2. The crocodiles should take care of His Highness here.

  3. To be fair, I can't live without any of those things either.

  4. I don't know why you guys are against people trying to create their own idyllic life lately. He's just trying to make his world perfect.


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