
ABCotD Temporary Hiccup

The site host's been down for the past several hours, and that 's led to a temporary interruption in the ability to post, and it also temporarily removed all content posted after the 12th.  All should be back to normal shortly with everything restored.

In the event that such a thing occurs again, new content will be added to the site forum until the main site is back to normal.  The forum is hosted on a different server.

Thanks for your patience!



  1. We're back to normal, almost. Working on restoring the 5/12 posts. Thanks for hanging in there!

  2. That was traumatizing, Jared. I barely made it!

  3. How do you think I felt? A day without bad dates is like a day without setting something aflame.

  4. Our comments are all gone, though

  5. Working on it. It's an issue with the host, as opposed to the site itself. More news as it breaks. Promise.

  6. 5/12 stories restored. Comments hopefully forthcoming...

  7. Remember 5/12. A day never to be forgotten in ABCOTD history.

  8. I'll print up t-shirts.

  9. "I survived the ABCOTD crash of 5/12"

  10. At first I was wondering why posts disappeared from December and not any other month but then I remembered the American dating system.


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A Bad Case of the Dates reserves the right to publish or not publish any submitted content at any time, and by submitting content to A Bad Case of the Dates, you retain original copyright, but are granting us the right to post, edit, and/or republish your content forever and in any media throughout the universe. If Zeta Reticulans come down from their home planet to harvest bad dating stories, you could become an intergalactic megastar. Go you!

A Bad Case of the Dates is not responsible for user comments. We also reserve the right to delete any comments at any time and for any reason. We're hoping to not have to, though.

Aching to reach us? abadcaseofthedates at gmail dot com.