
I Hate You, Don't Leave Me

Emails Submitted by Owen:

hey baby.  if u want some fun then just click reply.  u kno what 2 do! ;)


(Owen says: "I checked out her profile.  She was morbidly obese and was frowning in every picture.  I thought that it had to be a joke and so I ignored it.  Then I received this:")


u have not written me back and I wonder why?  I can give u all of yur desires whenever you want. - up down, in the kitchen in the bath, u just need to say it.  Il'l get nked for u anywhere...... ;) ;D


Owen Responds:

Hi Gracelyn.  I'm not interested, but thanks all the same.


Gracelyn Responds:

wtf u asshole.  I offer u sex anytime u want it and u turn it down?  who the FUCK do u think u are?  How many women get naked for you in ur life right now?  ANSWER:


(Owen says: "I didn't answer.")

Gracelyn Responds:

I haven't herd from u uu liar sack.  I found another guy to fuck me and his dick is huge and u can just go back 2 jerkin it like u kno u do.

if u change ur mind tho write me.



  1. Dodged a bullet there, Owen. What that Gracelyn character knows about respect would fill an ant's mouth

  2. "Il'l get nked for u anywhere"
    -first time I read that I read 'I'll get nuked for you anywhere"

  3. Glen Quagmire: Don't look at me like that. Fat chicks need love too... but they got to pay.

    ...sorry, couldn't help myself.

  4. i love how she refuses to burn her bridges there at the end. that's smart.

  5. Actually, I'd love to see an "I hate you, don't leave me" tag...

    Or maybe "Smells like desperation"?


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