

Story Sent in by Gary:

I asked Carolyn out for sushi. She was really excited about it. We sat down, looked through the menu, and ordered.

When our food came, she stared at her maki for a long, long time. I asked her, "What's wrong?"

She said, "I've never seen tuna that looks like that."

I said, "It looks right. That's what tuna looks like when raw."

"Raw?" she asked, "RAW!?"

"That's what sushi is. You didn't know that? It must have said 'raw' all over the menu."

"Ugh," she moaned and pushed the plate away from her. "I've heard of it but I never tried it. I thought it was just a fancy preparation method. How is this even legal?"

"I'm sorry. I thought you knew that sushi meant raw fish."

"That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. And you actually eat that? You're disgusting." She fake-gagged.

I said, "They had some cooked entrees. Why don't you order one of those?"

"I've lost my appetite," she said, "Anything in here would make me sick. You're actually going to eat that? You're gonna die."

"Want to go somewhere else?" I asked.

"Meet you outside," she said, then hurriedly grabbed her purse and left. I asked for a box to go for both of our meals, paid, and went outside. She was gone.


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  1. "Is there a gas station near by? I need to get some real food."

  2. @ JMG - Nice title by the way :-)

  3. sushi is just the name of a Japanese dish that is mainly cooked vinegared rice with other ingredients. It doesn't necessarily mean the ingredients are raw. Sashimi, however, is the raw fish placed on top of sushi.

  4. Does the post title translate "this is what happens when you date 12-year-olds, OP"?

  5. I could understand if she didn't eat meat, but what an immature bitch. She could have looked it up before the date if she wasn't sure what it was.


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